
Test Page


Hey there!

I’m Josh. I’m a seasoned communicator with a passion for bettering teams and communities. I'm exploring the ways that we can help produce happier, healthier, more sustainable cities.

Latest projects


Sample Post 1 (Featured)
October 13, 2021

Sample Post 1 (Featured)

This is a post that is "Featured" so it will be on both the Home Page & the Posts page

Sample Post (Featured)
October 5, 2021

Sample Post 2 (Featured)

This is a post that is "Featured" so it will be on both the Home Page & the Posts page



Me 101

This section for a few pithy lines, quotes, what I’m working on, what interests me, what I had for lunch.

The Professional Me (1)

Say hi! LinkedIn

This is me. (No it’s not)
This is me. (No it’s not)

What I'm working on in my free time —

  • Use this space to bullet point one or two special projects
  • Use it to focus the visitor's attention
